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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
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    Evolving insights
    Zhang Weiwei on the ongoing changes within Xinjiang and its evolving global image
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    Governing the border regions
    Strategic importance of China's border regions from a historical perspective
  • China and the changing global economic order
    China is likely to intensify its engagement with the rest of the world rather than reduce it
  • Solving the economic conundrum
    The debate over market forces versus government regulation is a question in economic management that all countries face
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    China's reform journey
    China is, and must be, committed to the spirit of reform and opening up to maintain and increase its prosperity at home, and its voice and potential for positive change globally
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    Beyond Green
    These cinematic narratives, though fictional, offer insights into the contrasting approaches that may shape China's role in advancing sustainability in Latin America, specifically in Chile
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    A Solution for Global Human Rights Governance
    In the current historical stage of international power transition, China's actions taken to protect human rights domestically and internationally offer a light of hope for the community of states
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    Living with dignity but not in poverty
    The cooperation between China and Central Asia in the field of poverty alleviation has the potential to bring about significant positive change
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    Economic policy takes center stage
    The outcomes of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the third since its members were elected during the 20th CPC National Congress in 2022, are not just significant locally but also globally
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    East meets west
    Supachai Panitchpakdi shares his views on the importance of cultural exchange between East and West and how these interactions can lead to a deeper understanding between diverse societies
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    Making the current system work for everyone
    China's participation in international affairs has been increasing in recent decades. Its emergence as a leading voice among Global South countries has led many in the developed world to speculate about its intentions, assuming that China is orchestrating the overthrow of the current system and the establishment of a new one
  • Deciphered: whole-process people's democracy
    To understand the Chinese system, it is necessary to move beyond the Western tendency to equate the CPC with political parties like the Democrats or Republicans in the United States
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Trade-offs and trade-ups
By Liang Xiao
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Trumped up tariffs
By Lan Xinzhen
Dream of winter
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